
Lifelong explorer of curiosity. Always diligent on expanding the mind.

Coming from Seattle, Washington and now transplanting to Austin, Texas. First studying Marine Engineering with the Washington State Ferry System and successfully becoming a 3rd Assistant Licensed Marine Engineer focusing on diesel, electrical, and digital systems operations. Always remaining vigilant to new ideas and scientific concepts. Constantly expanding my talents in new fields through genuine curiosity of what’s out there. With advancements in technology at a fever pitch as of late. Many things have intrigued me to self study their theories and physical capabilities.

Artificial intelligence and subsequent quantum physics are areas I’ve been deeply impassioned by recently. Choosing to study in my free time the relationships present between the two and what we can expect once they’re fully entrapped as a major talking point in the daily functions of humanity. The world is growing and we should all be open to what’s coming at us in the future.

From humble beginnings to starting a Podcast exploring the unknown with experts in their respected fields. Writing books talking about the complexities of life and what to do with the remaining time we have to spend. Working on projects directly involving the newest technologies and ideas is where I thrive.

Never giving up on what might be out there to explore in our one life is a sentiment close to my heart.