
Washington State Ferry System

Related arm Of Washington State Department of Transportation and the United States Coast Guard Regulatory body Merchant Marines

Dates worked: May 2018 - August 2025

Highest Rank Achieved: 3rd Assistant Engineer

Worked as an On-Call Oiler Certified by the Merchant Marines aboard the fleet of vessels in the Washington State Ferry System.

After accumulating enough Sea-time I sat for my 3rd Assistant Engineers License exam and passed. I currently am an active 3rd Assistant Engineer within the fleet where we work on everything mechanical and operational for the Merchant Vessel M/V Issaquah.

Some Minor Job Duties (Operational Maintenance of diesel engines and required systems, Electrical systems from power station control units including power generation and three-phase power systems, Scale HVAC Operational Maintenance and systems, and basic understanding principles of vessel operations)

Major Job Duties (Crew and Project Management to successfully complete various large scale multi month tasks, Design alterations for improving plant quality, Office responsibilities for proper boat wide operations, Ordering and Receiving Stores and Goods, Troubleshooting systems between controls modules and physical equipment, and electrical plant operations)

All in all my time with Washington State Ferries I have gained knowledge on various mechanical systems from the operations of diesel mechanics all the way to electrical power plant generation capabilities of such vessels. I was fascinated by my time with them and have been forever grateful for what we managed to accomplish during my time.