Try the thing
Try the thing that is currently been bearing down your mind like your soul depends on it. Whether you succeed or fail you deserve to give your life enough respect that you will take risks and chances that become reality. Whatever your mind decides you should at least attempt, you should attempt it. Giving yourself the personal freedom of choice because you can do whatever you want. However life is short meaning time is limited. By virtue you have no better time to do something big or small other than right now at this very moment. Don’t waste it because you’re hesitant believing maybe it’s just a pie in the sky idea and it isn’t really in your repertoire. Anything and everything is and can be should you decide to go after it with purpose.
People often wait around asking themselves “Is this really for me?”. Well yes it is, always was and therefore could be. I may not be a slant at painting but I can at least put paint on brush on paper. I may not be the best writer to ever type a page but I can certainly make my voice come through the ink. The words we say aren’t worth any value unless we back them up with actions. But if we tell ourselves that we aren’t capable of one thing than how are we to justify the things we absolutely know we are. One takes away from the other and so it should. Time is of the essence and it’s disappearing at a more rapid rate as life continues.
All of this suggests is doing the next thing you want to and decide for yourself whether it’s a path you want to take. Have fun and stay positive! You got this!